We provide ERP for Small & Medium business organisations. The solutions are inbuilt with best business practices catering to different industry verticals. Solution also takes care of the taxation and statutory requirements.

Marketing & Sales Order Management

Transactions :


  • Sales Enquiry
  • Sales Quotation
  • Sales Order(with approval option)


  • Make to Stock
  • Make to Order


  • Dispatch Schedule
  • Dispatch Instruction
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Return


Reports :

  • Enquiry Register
  • Quotation Register
  • Sales Register
  • Return Register
  • Pending Order Register
  • Dispatch Schedule Vs Dispatch
  • Enquiry Vs Quotation Vs Order Register
  • Note : All the reports have filters to choose Party, Product and Date Range

Documents :

Enquiry, Quotation, Order Acknowledgement, Tax/Export Invoice, Sales Return

Production Planning

Transactions :

  • Production Planning (with link to Sales Orders)
  • Work center Status
  • Allocation of Work Center
  • Auto Generation of Work Order
  • Stock Reservation

Reports :

  • Production Planning Register
  • Production Planning Status Register

BOM & Multi Stage Production Module

Transactions/Master :

  • Multi-Level Bill of Material
  • Production Work Order
  • Material Request Indent
  • Production Stage Receipt
  • Production Stage Consumption
  • Intermediate Production Entry
  • Final Production Entry
  • Material Return to Stores

Reports :

  • Work Order Register
  • Production Register – Day-wise, Product-wise, Work Order-wise
  • Work Order Status Register
  • Production WIP Stock Report
  • Pending Material Indent Register

Costing Module


  • Costing Transaction – With BOM Linking
  • Option to alter BOM for the transaction
  • Option to Calculate Cost based on Last Purchase / Average Rate
  • Option to consider the Overhead and other costs
  • Option to consider Work Center

Reports :

  • Costing Report

Procurement Planning


  • Procurement Planning Transaction
  • Option to plan procurement based on Production Plan / Work Order
  • Option to auto generate the Purchase Indent/Order based on the current requirement and available physical & logical stock
  • Option to procure materials based on Reorder Level

Reports :

  • Work Order Register
  • Production Register – Day-wise, Product-wise, Work Order-wise
  • Work Order Status Register
  • Production WIP Stock Report
  • Pending Material Indent Register

Purchase Order Management


  • Purchase Indent
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order Approval
  • Terminate / Short-close Order

Reports :

  • Purchase Indent Register
  • Purchase Order Register
  • Pending PO Register
  • Purchase Indent Vs. Order Vs GRN

Stores & Inventory Management


  • Physical & Logical Stock Concept
  • Goods Receipt Note (GRN)
  • Purchase Booking (accounts & Duty Credit)
  • Purchase Return
  • Issue To Production
  • Stock Adjustment Entries (Excess/Shortage)
  • Receipt from Production
  • Back to Store

Stock Reports :

  • Item-wise Stock List (Finished/Semi Finished/Raw Material/Packing Material, Date wise, Item wise)
  • Item-wise Stock Ledger
  • Inventory Valuation – FIFO
  • Inventory Ageing Report – FIFO
  • WIP Stock Report
  • Raw Material Reorder Report

Reports :

  • GRN Register
  • Purchase Register
  • Purchase Return Register
  • Material Issue Register

Inward, In-Process & Outward Quality Control

Masters / Transactions :

  • QC Check Points
  • Inward QC – After GRN
  • In-Process QC – After Stage Receipt
  • Outward QC – After Production output

Reports :

  • QC Register (Inward/Outward/In-Process)
  • Vendor wise QC Analysis (based on the QC observation parameters)

GST Documentation:
We will provide the GST documentations w.e.f. April 1st 2017

Warehouse Management

Documents: :

  • Warehouse Master – to create Rack/BIN
  • Warehouse Allocation Inward – For all inward materials
  • Warehouse Selection – For All material issues & dispatches
  • Warehouse Inter-BIN transfer

Reports :

  • Warehouse Put-Away Slip
    Warehouse Pick-up Slip
    Warehouse Transfer Slip

Reports :

  • Warehouse Stock Report
  • Warehouse Capacity Utilization Report

Job work Subcontracting Module

Documents: :

  • Labour Job Issue
  • Labour Job Receipt
  • Raw Material Adjustment Module

Reports :

  • Pending Labor Job Challans @ Jobworker
  • Annexure IV Register
  • Annexure V Register

Reports :

  • Warehouse Stock Report
  • Warehouse Capacity Utilization Report

Spares & Machine Maintenance

Transactions : :

  • Asset Master
  • Spares/Tools Master
  • Spare & Tools Mapping
  • Maintenance Type Master
  • Maintenance Schedule Master
  • Spare Indent Transaction
  • Spare Consumption Transaction
  • Scrap Entry

Reports :

  • Asset register
  • Maintenance Schedule Register
  • Maintenance Schedule Status Register
  • Spares Consumption Register
  • Spares Stock List
  • Material Scrap Register